Wednesday, September 06, 2006

In Dependence

When I was a freshman at the fine and frustrating Miami University, I decided to write a book about it. I got the feeling everyone else - like myself - was sort of shuffling along waiting for things to become familiar. College can be a lot of fun, but it can also be completely terrifying, and I wanted to write about both for the sake of the next few years' worth of freshmen.

Although I actually followed through with the writing part, the next few years in the life of "the book" were spent on rewriting, editing, and rewriting some more. I paid some publishers' association for a list of what type of manuscripts individual publishing houses were currently accepting. I sent out cover letters to every place that looked like a match, and to more than a few random companies with submission info listed online. I heard back from next to no one. If I'm a halfway decent writer, I'm a mostly awful salesman.

So after this and similarly spirit-sapping research into independent publishing, I posted the book on my website and left it at that. Then, after I set this blog up recently, I realized how easy it'd be to copy and paste the entire mess online with each chapter as an entry. Enter stage right - In Dependence in what is almost certainly its last revision. Instead of clumsily picking apart and putting back together its contents, from here on out I may post comments, updates, and so on right here at Overgrad. If you're lucky.